Sunday, January 16, 2011


First off, welcome to this blog. If you're here, then one of two things happened: you either scrolled through 50+ pages of "weight loss" search results, or you know me personally.

Since I am keeping this anonymous for the time being, then congratulations on finding this. If you are interested in losing weight, then maybe my progress can help in some way.

Why I'm Doing This
Accountability. Simple as that. I've always been the heavy guy, the one with a quick wit and a self-deprecating sense of humor. While I've had a hell of a life so far, it's always been in the back of my mind that I could be happier, that I could be healthier.

Despite that, I've never given it a good enough shot. The occasional weight-loss bet with friends would come and go, and the 10-20 lbs I'd lose would be back soon enough.

Hopefully, just the simple act of posting my pictures and tracking my progress in the public will kick my ass into gear. Like I said, I'm keeping this largely anonymous for now. Admittedly, it's a half-ass approach. But, should the need come, it will provide an additional impetus to get things going once I do actually make it public with my friends and family.

So, with that brief introduction and look into my reasoning, here is my weight loss blog. I'd like to post quick daily updates (food, exercise, etc) as well as weekly updates that include pictures and weigh-ins. This will start tomorrow, once I actually get going on a regular eating and exercise regime.

In the meantime, welcome again and good night.

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